Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ribbons of Lakes and Not a Tent

This morning, a straight line took us north from Duluth after viewing wonderful art at the University of Minnesota's northern campus (they had a special exhibit of the early role of the Royal Canadian Mounties). Our destination - Voyager National Park and its boundary waters....acres and acres of lake with hiking paths accessible by water only.

Now, time for honesty: Eric was increasingly excited as we drove on, and Helen, with rain threatening and storm clouds looming, increasingly tentative! There were wonderful explores and long roads into the visitor stations....tent sites plentiful...and cabins near by...yet one of us was still tentative.

However, Eric, ever creative and exploring, discovered a gem...and definitely not a tent! A wonderful little boutique inn on Rainy Lake directly across from Canada. From the balcony we can see the Canadian coast...and we'll sip coffee in the morning on its deck before heading to Winnipeg. Tonight, we're off to the the local bonfire on the beach.


  1. oh man, your trip sounds so fantastic, i wish i was along for the ride!!!

  2. Am really enjoying your travels and following you on the map and Google Earth - wish I was up there with you. The temperatures must be getting cooler as you get further North. From the map you appear to be about half way across the US and today will be in to Canada. Watch out for the bears!!!
