Happily, we unpacked before torrents of rain..and repacked in 'dry'. We then headed downtown to the Forks, the French quarter, and the Museum of Manitoba...a treasure of history depicted in scenes, notebooks, and displays. Dinosaurs, buffalo hunts, the arrival of Europeans and their shared experience with native people, animal life below the deep winter snows, the Hudson Bay Company and pictures of its London headquarters...the variety and detail were fabulous.
Later in the afternoon ...after an oil change...we visited Assiniboine Park ...a treasure of opportunities for activities, gardens and wide open spaces. The English Garden is a jewel...and we came upon the groom and his groomsmen arriving for his wedding. Near the garden's entrance was the father of the bride...who was waiting for her arrival. He was dressed to the nines with a handlebar mustache the color of corn silk and the size of the husk.
Driving out of Winnipeg Eric discovered a British "soul food" eatery where he picked up a Cornish Pastie and Scotch egg.
A drive to Brandon took us west...and tomorrow we head towards Calgary.
yum Scotch eggs are delish!!!