Thursday, August 13, 2009

Zip Zip and the Cell Phone

The Henry Ford Museum - an enormous oasis of American history, cars, trains, and planes. It definitely has a magnetic pull that drew Eric - zip zip - to exhibit highlights...the early model Ts, the early planes, and the '55 Chevy Bel-Air...just like the one he had...Thank heavens for the cell phone, because zip zip, as the magnet drew him to his icons... the cell phone proved an instant GPS.

After a quick picnic, we headed to Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan...and a little visit to the big field which accommodates 110,000. Time disappeared and we imagined our god son - now an adult - playing football for Big Blue.

A visit to the Motown Museum brought more time traveling. The museum is the original home of the founder of Motown - Berry Gordy - who transformed his home into a music/recording studio and business office for labels and distribution. Amazing to stand where Smokey Robinson, the Supremes and Stevie Wonder recorded again and again!

An explore to Grosse Pointe brought an array of gorgeous homes and St. Claire lake shore...yet, many 'for sale' signs. Also, in downtown Detroit, empty buildings, empty lots and urban decay are far reaching. Let's hope the factory production increases soon.


  1. And now I will drag Jack to the Motown Museum :)...actually had a chance to meet Barry when I was working at an ad agency.

  2. I had the greatest experience sharing your photo in front of the Mo-town museum with my N Street Village friend, Loretta. Loretta likes DC and probably believes there may be many good places to live, but everything pales in comparison to the great Detroit, her home town. It brought a huge smile to her face to see the Motown museum and to imagine you enjoying her town. love and miss you both, Sam and Lauren
